Parole a scuola – Bari

A free day’s training for teachers

The aim of the event was to provide teachers with useful tools in order to educate on digital citizenship.

Following a general meeting, during which sector experts spoke, there were 34 lectures, presentations and interactive workshops. They were designed for teachers of varying positions and levels. They lasted an hour and 20 minutes. Their common theme was the Manifesto of Non-hostile Communication, which was looked at from a range of areas and themes.

The organisers

The event was organised by ATS Parole O_Stili (formed by the Parole O_Stili Association, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan and the Toniolo Institute) with the cooperation of Corecom Puglia and the Puglia Regional Office of Education. The aim was to provide teachers with the tools to educate on digital citizenship and to create an educational method which would introduce the Manifesto into Italian classrooms.



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ASSOCIAZIONE PAROLE OSTILI, Via Milano 4/1, 34132, Trieste, C.F. 90153460325 @2016 - 2025
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