Parole a scuola
Milan 2018

9 February 2018: Parole O_Stili for teachers
In Milan, on the 9th February, there was a day of free training for teachers on digital skills and hostility of language.
During that day, more than 30 lectures, presentations and interactive workshops took place, preceded by a plenary assembly which was also attended by the Minister of Education Valeria Fedeli.
The first 100 worksheets, created with the contribution of more than 250 teachers, were presented during the event. They aim to serve as teaching aids to address the topic of education and digital citizenship with the help of the 10 principles of the Manifesto.
The initiative was a concrete response to the teachers’ need for action tools to tackle Internet hostility.
The event was organised jointly by ATS Parole O_Stili (formed by the Parole O_Stili Association, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan and the Toniolo Institute) with the cooperation of the Ministry of Education. It aimed to provide teachers with the tools to educate on how to use the digital sphere, and to create a new educational path that would introduce the Manifesto of Non-Hostile Communication into Italian schools.

The numbers of the meeting

Watch the video summary
In partnership with

The event is promoted by Safer Internet Center Italiano – Generazioni Connected as part of the initiatives carried out on the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2018 in Italy
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